Living a fitness-based lifestyle can be incredible. There are many people that can attest to this. Sometimes life gets in the way, and an extended absence from the gym or weight room is necessary. Injuries, illness, business, or burnout could all be factors that result in us taking time to decompress and reset. Depending on the situation, this time could be weeks or months.
Then the moment you’ve waited for so long is here. It’s time to get back after it. You’re ready to rise and grind. That motivation to get back to doing what you do can reach an all-time high. However, it can also lead to your eyes being bigger than the muscles. In other words, you get ambitious, do more than you should, and suffer the consequences.
A great deal of success lends itself to how you prepare for a process. And when it comes to recommitting to the fitness lifestyle, beginning again requires focusing more on the goals you have, the mindset you need to be in, and the first steps that need to be taken. All of which should be carefully considered and planned out before even thinking about the weight room.
Part two of this mini-series will focus on the training itself. But for now, we’ll focus on getting your headspace right, establishing goals, and setting yourself up for success.